Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Birthday to our adorable pug Otis, he is four today!
Our adorable pup is 4!
This is how he spends most of his day... sleeping and SNORING |
OK, many of you might find pugs kind of ugly but this breed grows on you because of their personality. I always tell people, if you want a dog that thinks it is a cat then a pug is the dog for you. Otis and I are attached at the hip. He loves sitting in my lap and giving kisses. He follows me around the kitchen (I think he is looking for a morsel of food when he follows me). He sleeps all morning and eyes the door when he knows Dan will be walking in from school. Enough of my friend.
Belchertown is officially out of snow days.. last day of school June 23rd. This week there is no snow in the forecast and we might actually see some melting. The following week is February vacation and then we are into March. Granted we have seen some major snow storms in March but maybe we are done with the snow?????????? Oh, how much I want to see the ground. Right now we are into the winter "yuckies", this is when all the snow on the sides of the roads is black and it just looks like YUCK!
We had a really nice surprise this past weekend as Matt came home. He did come home for a friends 21st birthday but it was still a great weekend seeing him.
Lots of things coming up next week. Tom has a hockey tournament in Needam, MA so we will be traveling.. This will be our first time staying at a hotel since my complete inability to walk. Praying that it won't be to challenging but looking forward to a weekend away from the doldrums of winter. Later in the week we are going to visit my mom and the boys are very excited. We where not able to go visit at Christmas because of the snow storm.
It being Valentine's Day I was greeted this morning with super cute cards from Mark and Thomas and roses along with a beautiful heart necklace from my sweetie. This being a day of "love" I pray that our boys see what "true love" really is by the example that Ed demonstrates daily towards me. Ed's devotion to me is a clear example of our wedding vows," for better or for worse, in sickness and in health". I have lost the ability to do simple tasks, getting in and out of bed, getting dressed, bath rooming, and showering. I need Ed's help to do these tasks that I once could do on my own. It is almost like I have become another child in our family that Ed needs to take care of. This man works a very stressful job all day and comes home and must do all the other things I can't do that I once could such as; taking me to all my doctor appointments, doing the laundry, grocery shopping, helping prepare dinner and driving Mark and Thomas to sports. He does all these tasks out of love for me and our children. Whoever thought that we would be facing life with me as a para in a wheelchair. The cancer was one thing we fought together but now throw into that mix as I became that 1 to 2% of people to suffer radiation myelitis as a result from a treatment that was supposed to help fight the cancer that returned in my spine. I thank my Lord and Savior for providing me with such a loving and caring husband to face life's challenges and road blocks. |
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